Tuesday, July 30, 2013

This is why.

This is why I'm here.

I truly understand the thought that if you show a bunch of young criminals what can happen to their bodies if they are injured, they might think twice about their behavior. I get it. I admire the desire to reach these young people on a different level. I really do. Really. 

I do not, however, condone the use of ostomies for this purpose. Yes, some ostomies are necessary because of injury. Yes, some of those injuries might be caused by crime. 

I, and many others, have these because of health. I didn't shoot anyone. I have never been shot. I do not limp and I certainly don't think that this will make me repulsive to the opposite sex. 

I love my ostomy. It saved my life. 


  1. Thanks for linking to The Stolen Colon. Love what you're doing. Keep it up!

  2. Thanks, Stephanie! I had just opened my email to write to you and see what you thought. Your kind words mean a lot to me.

  3. 1000% agree! I understand showing pictures of gunshot wounds but including ostomies for this purpose would be like showing cut off fingers, or people who've been in car wrecks... it doesn't directly relate!

  4. Got mine in November 2001. It was a great day! After a 3 year flare up, an 8 day hospital stay, extreme pain, and years of 50-100 trips a day to the bathroom, I had had enough. I am grateful for my stoma, don't miss my colon, and don't ever want to go back. My colon didn't rupture, but it was close. The surgeon told me I was lucky to be alive. I also talk about my journey, the surgery, and what it is like now and prior to surgery. If I can help one person, I will shout from the rooftops!

    1. This is what it's all about. If we can help people understand that this "thing" is literally a lifesaver, we might be able to make this world a little better.
