Sunday, August 25, 2013

Back to School

This week I am going back to school for the first time in over a year. I was enrolled in classes last year when I became sick, so I had to drop them all.
I am excited and nervous. Excited to be taking Hospitality courses and furthering my knowledge in the industry.
See, I was engaged once and planned my whole wedding. Although the wedding didn't end up happening, I had had so much fun and loved every second of planning and coordinating an event. I knew I had found what I wanted to do with my life.

I am also a bundle of nerves. This will be my first time in school as an ostomate. There is so much more to think about now.
Do I tell my teachers right away in case I should have to leave the room for an extended period of time?
Should I get a doctors note?
How much extra supplies should I bring and where should I keep them?
Should I bring extra clothes? Where would I keep those?
Is this something I want to tell other classmates about?

Any advice? Anything I didn't think of, but should have? Please leave me a comment!

1 comment:

  1. when i was an RA at UNC, i helped students a lot with this kind of thing. your school should have an office for students with disabilities. they can help you out a lot with advice and information on what to do if you become ill for an extended period of time if you need them.

    i would talk to your professors before hand, bring them a doctors note, and explain your condition to them. they will usually make a personalized plan with you on what you need to do should you need to step out of the room or if you become ill and other plans of action. in my experience people are really accepting and accommodating, don't be intimidated by talking to them about it. it can be a great teaching moment if they are unfamiliar with your condition and it will help future students with the same condition when they have classes with those professors. and if they aren't accommodating, report them! it's illegal to not make special exceptions for people who need them.

    bring extra supplies with you in your bag. you know what happens more than anyone else when things go wrong. do you typically need an extra shirt when you have a leakage? throw one in your bag. have an extra full change of clothes in your car. it never hurts to be over prepared rather than under prepared.

    good luck!
