Thursday, November 28, 2013

27 Years of Thanks

Hey all! 
Happy Thanksgiving!
In honor of the day and my 27th birthday yesterday, I want to share some of what I am thankful for. I am thankful for so many things so I'll share just a few.

There's no other way for this list to start. 
This kid. This boy is what I am most thankful for. He is the reason I get out of bed some days when I'm feeling sorry for myself or feeling like I have forgotten the whole point. He is my motivation to be better than I was yesterday and for tomorrow to be better still. Not to mention, he is silly, fun, challenging, puzzling, heartwarming and reminds me that there's nothing better than playing. 

My parents. I am so thankful to have their support. There's no telling where I would be without their generosity and love. 

My beautiful niece. She is a smart, spunky, and awesome little lady. I am thankful for her existence in my life and in our family. Isn't she adorable?!

My older sister. I am thankful that we have become close friends. And that she puts up with me calling her everyday to talk about everything.

My younger sister. I am thankful for her love and friendship and her ability to make an adventure out of our time together. 

My extended family. I've said it before and I'll say it again.  I have the best support system.

My grandma. I Know that she could be included in the above. However, I am extra thankful to her. She and Mancub have a special bond that I am thankful for. 

I am thankful for my friends, old and new. For those I have known since childhood and those I catch up with once in a blue moon. I am thankful for all who have helped me shape my life. 

I am thankful for a group of women, most of whom I have never met, who have been in my life for almost four years. We have experienced pregnancy, childbirth, raising newborns to infants to toddlers to preschoolers. We have laughed together, cried together, mourned together, fought with each other and given endless advice. Together, we have trudged through sickness, loss, house fires, divorce and many other obstacles that life throws at us. All through the power of technology. 

I am thankful for doctors and nurses. Especially those who helped me battle for my life and who continue to help me put myself back together. 

I am thankful for the UOAA, Girls with Guts, CCFA and so many other groups who have been resources for me and others who are living with an ostomy or IBD. 

I hope everyone has a wonderful thanksgiving! 

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