Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Paging, Dr. Stork!

My boyfriend Dr. Travis Stork and the rest of the doctors on the show The Doctors discussed ostomies in the show that aired today Tuesday, January 28, 2014. 
Here is a link to that show's synopsis, which includes video clips!
I didn't see the original airing but on my drive home from school one of my best friends called me and told me that she had stayed home sick from work and had seen the show. She and I have discussed my ostomy and Crohn's Disease before in depth. She has seen my pouches and heard my story. She was the first to call while I was in the hospital and lets me talk and cry for hours when I'm feeling overwhelmed.
 When she called tonight she told me that she finally feels like she truly understands the technical aspect of what had happened to me. She explained that hearing the process of an ileostomy and seeing the diagrams and models on the show really hammered home what I had been through. 
I would just like to say thank you to The Doctors for reaching at least one person today.
I can only hope she wasn't alone.  

Monday, January 27, 2014

The Newness

Hey all!
I didn't grow up with a lot of new. I lived in the same house since I was five, I went to the same schools in the same school district, I had a lot of the same friends, I went to the same malls and ate at the same restaurants. As an adult, I can't keep up with all the new things happening. I moved to a new state, and then back to a new house, I had a new baby (is it possible to have an old baby?), I moved to another new state, I found a new job which led to a new passion and career path, I started a new school and made new friends (sorta!) Anyone who is a parent can tell you that every day brings new challenges and new adventures. Today is the first day in the new semester at school.

Since my surgery I have wanted to try new things. Not things like skydiving or bungee jumping because I'm afraid of heights and that's just crazy. I thinking more along the lines of getting involved and pushing myself to be a healthier and happier person.
And I have already completed one task. I completed my first 5k!
Okay, I walked it because I am still extremely out of shape, but I crossed that finish line all the same. I did it.
And I am very proud of myself.

What's next? Who knows... 
Stay tuned to find out!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Hey all!
Wow, it has been a while since I have updated. I would like to apologize for that. Life is busy and every time I sit down to write a post I draw a blank. I feel like things are pretty stagnant ostomy-wise. Then I remembered, my life isn't just about having an ostomy. I am so many things and I want to be so many more things. I am a mom, sister, daughter, student... I have hobbies and passions and goals and ambitions. 

Every year on December 31st people think of a list of things they want to change in the new year. I usually don't bother because I know myself well enough to know that if I want to change something I will and if I don't, I won't, regardless of a promise I make to myself on one day of the year. This year, however, I have made a mental list of things to work on. One is to keep up with my blog more. Another is to use it to be more than a person with an ostomy. I will use it to talk about parenthood, school, work, whatever I feel. 

I hope you all (whoever you all may be) stick with me. Share when you think I have something good to say. Help me educate. Raise awareness. 

See ya later!