Monday, December 9, 2013

Birthdays and Snow

Hey all! Just thought I would pop by with a short update!

Crohn's and Colitis Awareness Week was great! I loved seeing so many interesting articles on Facebook and so many people coming out and talking about their illness. Did you learn anything new?

Another fun part of last week was Mancub's birthday! While he slept we decorated the kitchen table with Mickey Mouse decorations so when he woke up he had a wonderful surprise! His happy little face was the most beautiful thing! He and I went to see Disney's Frozen, which he loved. That night the whole family took him to Chuck E Cheese!

I am so blessed to have this child. At the peak of my illness I was terrified of losing him. He is my reason to keep going, to keep fighting, to better myself every single day.

In other news, it's SNOWING! I love snow. I think it is magical and beautiful. However, I do not like that it makes driving difficult and cancels our holiday ostomy support group meeting! Rats!

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