Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Let me Explain

I realized that the title of my last post is a little confusing. Sorry!
I have been trying to make a huge decision for the last year. See, when my doctor took out most of my colon, he left a little colon and my rectum. (Different than anus, I promise!) He did that for a couple reasons. First, because it is more dangerous to operate in the pelvic region. Also, so I could have the choice to reattach with my small intestines.
I have that choice.
Either choice has pros and cons.
If I don't reattach, eventually, the rest of my colon and rectum will have to be removed.
If I do, I will almost definitely have to be treated for my Crohn's Disease.
If I don't, the disease might never flare up again, but it might anyway.
With my skin problems, it is tempting to have the surgery to reattach. No more bags attached to my abdomen. Sounds like bliss.
However, the medication I would have to be on for my disease has ugly ugly side affects.

Obviously, I don't have to decide today, or even tomorrow. I do have a scope to check my small intestines for disease coming up on Tuesday. If my small intestines are showing signs of disease, I will have to be on medication that might make my decision easier.

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