Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Milestone of a sort

It finally happened today! Public stoma noise!!!!
Okay, I can't say that I have never had stoma noise while outside of my house before. I have. We all have. Today was the first day for it to happen in a quiet classroom. I was sitting in my Hospitality Law class, typing my notes and "bbbrrrrrrrrrrr" went my side. I quickly put a hand over it to stifle any additional noise. It took all of my will power not to start giggling. What can I say, I'm a tad immature. I'm 80% sure no one heard/cared/knew what it was.
For those who do not have ostomies: stoma noise is passing gas. It happens to everyone. Everybody Poops Farts. The average person has, shall we say, different ways of withholding their flatulence. I, and others with ostomies, do not.
Generally I have it worked out so that this is not an issue and I'll get back to that. Soon after surgery, everyone has a lot of gas. After some time your body figures itself out and the constant loud embarrassing gas isn't generally a problem. The same things will cause gas in ostomates; broccoli, beans, greasy foods. I was also told to be careful with chewing gum and soda because of all the extra air they introduce into the system. Now, just like everything, no one is the same as the person next to them. Different foods cause problems for different people.
Like I said, I have it worked out pretty well that I don't have ostomy issues in public, especially at school. For me, I have the most "activity" in the mornings. I have found that I can avoid excessive gas and/or filling up my pouch while I'm in class by drinking water right after I wake up to get things "moving." I also try to eat breakfast before class. I have less gas if I have something in my stomach. Once I get to school I can empty my pouch and go to class without having to worry about getting up in the middle of lecture. I have a break for lunch and empty again before the next class.
It is really important to me to have this schedule. It helps me have peace of mind when I'm at school. I'm still pretty new to this lifestyle and I like feeling like I have some control over my day.

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